var _inforTables = { instances: {}, get: id => { return _inforTables.instances[id]; } } function initInforTables(options = {}){ if(typeof __infor_base=== 'undefined'){ console.log('infor-base.js is not included!'); return; } const { id } = options; const container = $(`infor-table#${id || 'x'}`); if(!container.length){ console.log(`ID #${id} not found!`); return; } const filters = container.find('infor-table-filters'); const filters_exist = filters.find('[name]').length !== 0; //Count-------------------------------------- const count_container = container.find('infor-table-count'); if (!count_container.length){ console.log('Count container not found!'); return; } count_container.html(`
`) //Pagination--------------------------------- const pagination_container = container.find('infor-table-pagination'); if( !pagination_container.length ){ console.log(`Pagination element not found!`); return; } const { search } = options; if(!search){ console.log('Search parameters are not defined!'); return; } pagination_container.addClass('infor-scroll'); const pagination_order_options = pagination_container.find('infor-table-order-option'); pagination_container.html(`
`); initInforSearch(); initInforBarSelector(); //Table-------------------------------------- const table_headers = container.find('infor-table-header'); if(!table_headers.length){ console.log(`Table headers not found!`); return; } table_headers.remove(); container.append(` ${{ return `` }).get().join('') }
${ $(this).text() }
`); //Instance----------------------------------- const { fillRecord, api, response_records_name, errorHandler, execute } = options if(!fillRecord){ console.log('FillTable can not be undefined!'); return; } if(!api){ console.log('Api can not be undefined!'); return; } const instance = new InforTable({ id: id, container: container, api: api, response_records_name: response_records_name, fillRecord: fillRecord, errorHandler: errorHandler, execute: execute, }) _inforTables.instances[id] = instance; instance.prefillGetValues(); instance.fetchData(); } $(document).on('change', 'infor-table [data-order-direction]', function(){ const checked = $(this).is(':checked'); const container = findContainerByAttr('data-order-direction-container', this); const icon = container.find('i'); icon.toggleClass('fa-arrow-down-wide-short', !checked); icon.toggleClass('fa-arrow-down-short-wide', checked); }) class InforTable{ constructor(options) { const { id, container, api, response_records_name, fillRecord, errorHandler, execute } = options; this.request = null; = id; this.container = container; this.api = api; this.search_params = {}; this.response_records_name = response_records_name; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; this.execute = execute; this.table_container = container.find('infor-table-container') this.table = container.find('table'); this.tbody = container.find('tbody'); this.refresh_btn = container.find('[data-refresh]'); this.count_container = container.find('infor-table-count'); this.records = []; this.current_ids = []; this.all_ids = []; this.fillRecord = fillRecord; this.filters = container.find('infor-table-filter') this.filters_inputs = this.filters.find('[name]'); = 1; this.pagination = _inforBarSelector.get(`infor_table_${}_pagination`); this.pagination.onchange = page => { = page; this.fetchData(); }; this.ids = []; = _inforSearch.get(`infor_table_${}_search`); = ids => { this.ids = typeof ids == 'object' ? ids : [ids];; }; this.order_by_input = this.container.find('[data-order-by]'); this.order_by = () => { return this.order_by_input.val(); } this.order_direction_input = this.container.find('[data-order-direction]'); this.order_direction = () => { return':checked') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; } this.per_page_input = this.container.find('[data-per-page]'); this.per_page = () => { return this.per_page_input.val(); } this.defineListeners(); } refresh(){ this.fetchData(); } fetchData(){ this.setLoader(); const data = { ids: this.ids, page:, order_by: this.order_by(), order_direction: this.order_direction(), per_page: this.per_page(), }, element) => { const input = $(element); const value = input.val(); const name = input.attr('name'); if(!value){ return true; } //Handle checkbox if(name.endsWith('[]')){ if(!':checked')){ return true; } const refactored_name = name.replace('[]', ''); if(!data[refactored_name]){ data[refactored_name] = []; } data[refactored_name].push(value); return true; } //Handle normal input data[name] = value; }) if(this.request){ this.request.abort(); this.request = null; } this.request = _ajax(this.api, data); this.request .always(() => { this.request = null; }) .then(response => { this.records = response[this.response_records_name]; this.all_ids = response.all_ids; this.current_ids = response.current_ids; this.total_count = this.all_ids.length; this.defineSearchParams(); this.setCount(); this.fillData(); this.refreshPagination(); this.executeFns(); }) .catch(this.errorHandler); } fillData(){ this.tbody.empty(); for(const record of this.records){ this.tbody.append(this.fillRecord(record)); } this.setFilled(); } setCount(){ const term = Number(this.all_ids.length) === 1 ? this.count_container.attr('data-single') : this.count_container.attr('data-multiple') this.count_container.html(`
${this.all_ids.length} ${term}
`) } setLoader(){ this.count_container.html(``) } setFilled(){ this.table.attr('data-filled', true); } refreshPagination(){ const pages_count = Math.ceil((this.total_count || 1) / (this.per_page() || (this.total_count || 1))) // if per_page == '' (no pagination) the pages_count must be 1, also when empty; if(pages_count == this.pagination.values().length){, false); return; } this.pagination.removeAllValues(); for(let i = 1; i <= pages_count; i++){ this.pagination.addValue({name: i, value: i}); }, false); } prefillGetValues(){ this.filters.each((index, element) => { const filter = $(element); const infor_select_search = filter.find('infor-select-search'); if(infor_select_search.length){ const id = infor_select_search.attr('id'); const value = _get(id); if(!value){ return true; } _inforSelectSearch.get(id).setValue(value); return true; } const infor_select_multiple = filter.find('infor-select-multiple'); if(infor_select_multiple.length){ const id = infor_select_multiple.attr('id'); const value = _get(id); if(!value){ return true; } _inforSelectMultiple.get(id).setValues([value]); return true; } const input = filter.find('[name]'); const name = input.attr('name'); const value = _get(name); if(!value){ return true; } input.val(value); }) } defineSearchParams(){ this.search_params = { ids: this.all_ids, } } defineListeners(){ $(this.per_page_input).change(() => { _cookieSet(`infor_table_paginate_${}`, this.per_page());; }); $(this.filters_inputs).change(() => {; }); $(this.order_direction_input).change(() => { this.fetchData(); }); $(this.order_by_input).change(() => { this.fetchData(); }); $(this.refresh_btn).click(this.fetchData.bind(this)); } executeFns(){ if(!Array.isArray(this.execute)){ return; } => { fn(); }) } }